Experience the Iron Age provides a workshop to schools that delivers a full day of "hands on" and engaging Iron Age activities to immerse the children in the period.
The following is an outline of the topics we will cover as we look at the Iron Age tribes of the British Isles prior to, and at the time of, the Roman invasion of Ancient Britain in 43AD under the Roman Emperor Claudius.
Indoor "Hands on History" sessions
The Classroom/Assembly Hall “hands on history” section of the Iron Age activities has been designed to cover the following topics:-
Chronological Understanding of the 3 Ages.
Knowledge and understanding
Historical Interpretation
Warrior Training
The Outdoor “Warrior Training” Activities have been designed to follow on from the classroom activities, picking up from the discussion on the Warrior skills and weaponry.
In the event of bad weather we can hold the outdoor activity sessions in a spacious indoor area (e.g. Dining Room or Hall).
Dividing the children into equal groups:
If it is a 2 or 3 class booking the other class/group would begin the shield decorating while the other class/group are Warrior Training. The two then swap over mid afternoon to rotate the sessions.
N.Dace St Andrews Primary.
A thoroughly engaging and informative day. The children really enjoyed having the opportunity to learn about the hierarchy of a tribe; the weapons that they used and the chance to handle many artefacts which brought the Iron Age to life. The day catered for all children using a range of learning styles with listening, interacting, exploring and, of course, the physical aspect of warrior training!
And, here are our finished shields!
Picture above the review.
Sun Hill Junior School
Matt was extremely organised, arriving at 7am to set up the field for the afternoon activities. All activities were thought through carefully and an in-depth risk assessment was provided and adhered to throughout the day.
The children enjoyed learning about the Iron Age, what life would have been like, exploring the wonderful artefacts that were on display. The children enjoyed the art activities where they designed their own shields for their own tribes and were keen to take these home to share with their families. The afternoon warrior training was great fun, three activities were organised on the field in a safe environment and talked through in detail with 1:1 tuition. The children threw javelin, attacked shields and attacked the Romans (a punch bag) with wooden weapons. A fun day was had by all.
Thanks Matt.
Ms Lisa Chisnall
English and Lower School Phase Leader
Sun Hill Junior School